Canva vs Piktochart

July 19, 2021

Canva vs Piktochart

When it comes to productivity software, Canva and Piktochart are two popular tools that come to mind for creating stunning graphics, presentations, and infographics. But which one of these tools is better? In this blog post, we will provide a factual and unbiased comparison between the two.


Canva is a web-based design tool that enables users to create professional-looking graphics, posters, social media posts, flyers, and presentations easily. Piktochart is a similar web-based tool that specializes in creating infographics, presentations, and reports.


Canva's interface is simple and user-friendly. It provides users with drag-and-drop functionality, and it's easy to navigate. Piktochart is also user-friendly, but it takes a bit longer to get used to than Canva. Canva wins this category in terms of simplicity and user-friendliness.


Both Canva and Piktochart provide access to a wide range of templates. Canva has over 60,000 templates, while Piktochart has over 1,000 templates. Canva offers more design assets such as fonts, images, and illustrations. Piktochart, on the other hand, provides more templates focused on data visualization. If you're looking to create custom designs, Canva takes the lead in this category.


Canva have a free version and a pro version that starts at $12.99/month. The Pro subscription provides access to all of the design assets, templates, and the ability to upload your own custom fonts and images. Piktochart, on the other hand, provides a 7-day free trial, and then its pro plan costs $24.17/month, which includes access to all templates and design assets. Canva wins this category due to its affordability.


Canva allows users to invite team members and collaborate on the same design project in real-time. Piktochart provides similar functionality, but its collaboration features are not as robust as Canva. Canva wins this category due to its more advanced collaboration features.


Canva is used by over 30 million people, while Piktochart has around 10 million users. Canva wins this category in terms of popularity.


Both Canva and Piktochart are excellent tools to create stunning graphics and presentations. In terms of user-friendliness and affordability, Canva takes the lead. If you're looking to create custom designs with access to more templates and design assets, Canva is the better option. If you're looking to create data-driven infographics, reports, or presentations, Piktochart may be the better option.


  1. Canva.
  2. Piktochart.

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